COVID-19 At-Home Testing

Health First Colorado will pay for up to 15 tests per member each month when provided from a Health First Colorado-enrolled pharmacy.

  • Tests often come in kits that include two tests, so members can get up to seven kits (14 tests) each month.

Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) will pay for up to eight tests per member each month when provided from a CHP+-enrolled pharmacy. Members should call the number on the back of their CHP+ card if they need help finding a CHP+ pharmacy.

There will be no cost to you and no co-pay if you go to a Health First Colorado-enrolled pharmacy. Health First Colorado and CHP+ will reimburse the pharmacies after members receive the free tests.

Online retailers like Amazon are not enrolled with Health First Colorado and CHP+. Health First Colorado and CHP+ will not provide free tests through online retailers like Amazon. You cannot be reimbursed for at-home tests you may have already purchased.

See the Find a Doctor page page to search for pharmacies near you who work with Health First Colorado. We encourage members to contact their pharmacy ahead of time to see if they have COVID-19 tests in stock.

COVID-19 At-Home Testing Frequently Asked Questions